Policy for Public Behavior on Library Premises
This policy, as decided by the Library Director and approved by the Library Board, dictates acceptable behavior by members of the public while on Library property. This policy is intended to help ensure the safety and rights of:
· Library patrons
· Community Members
· Library staff
· Library materials and facilities
Prohibited Conduct
Engaging in conduct that disrupts or interferes with the normal operation of the Library, or that disturbs other Library patrons or staff, is not permitted. Repeated failure to adhere to acceptable conduct may result in being removed or banned from the Library.
The following conduct is prohibited at the Library:
- Disregarding direct instructions given by Library staff.
- Abusive or obscene language or gestures. Harassment of others or threatening behavior, either verbal, in-writing or physical. Assaulting, fighting, or challenging others to fights. Sexual conduct or lewd behavior.
- Using, possessing, or being under the influence of illegal drugs. Consuming alcoholic beverages or possessing open alcoholic beverage containers. Smoking or using tobacco or marijuana products, including rolling cigarettes, vaping, electronic cigarettes and other inhalants.
- Destroying, defacing, damaging or misusing Library materials or Library property.
- Trespassing on Library premises during closed hours to the public. Entering staff or restricted areas of the Library without prior authorization. Entering the Library during closed hours.
- Obstructing aisles, stairways, or reading areas with personal belongings. This includes actions that block access or exits to Library premises or create safety hazards. Monopolizing Library space, equipment or outlets to the exclusion of others. Leaving packages, backpacks, bags or any other personal items unattended.
- Selling any goods or services without express permission from the Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library; soliciting, petitioning, or canvassing. Distributing or displaying pamphlets, surveys, flyers, signs, or posters on Library premises, unless approved by the Library.
- Unhygienic behavior and activities that disturb other patrons. Visitors must wear clothing, including shirts and shoes, in the Library.
- To uphold public health and safety, sleeping in the Library or at the Library’s entrance is not permitted. Library staff are not able to consistently monitor the health and safety of an individual who has lapsed consciousness.
- Making unreasonable use of the public restrooms, including laundering clothes. Taking Library materials into the restrooms.
- Making noise of an unreasonable volume. This includes yelling, loud talking, using devices (with or without headphones) that disturbs others, and using cell phones in quiet areas.
- Exception: At the East Flagstaff Community Library location, this policy is enforced differently during after school hours (Mon-Fri, 2:30-5pm). Depending on the volume of children and young adults, this may result in abnormally high volumes. Please be mindful of this if you require a quiet space during your visit.
- Any noise in the “Quiet Area” of the Downtown Library is not acceptable.
- Light consumption of drinks or food is acceptable. Excessive consumption of food or drink that disturb the Library workspace or poses risks to library materials, computers or workspaces are not allowed. Foods with a strong scent or that negatively impact other patrons are not allowed. Please take any food-related trash with you or dispose of it in the appropriate trash/recycle bins.
- Bringing non-service animals into the building. Emotional support animals are not allowed inside the Library.
- Engaging in any activity that violates federal, Arizona state, local, or other applicable law or Library policies. Gambling is not allowed on the premises.
Prohibited Items
The following items are not permitted in the Library:
- Any items that are infested with pests or have a foul odor that disturbs other persons.
- Bicycles or motorized vehicles. Individuals with mobility impairments are permitted to use wheelchairs, walkers, and other aids within the Library.
- Non-motorized skates, skateboards, and collapsible scooters (except when carried).
- Weapons of any kind. Lockers are provided for individuals to store these items.
Additional Policies
Visitors with disabilities may ask Library staff for reasonable accommodations.
- The Library is not responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or damaged on Library premises. Items left unattended may be removed.
- Any kind of commercial recording on Library premises requires the prior approval of the Library, and usually requires the approval of any person being photographed or recorded.
- Many items in the Library cannot be copied because of federal copyright law.
- Using another person’s library card for any reason is expressly forbidden, unless formally authorized by the Library and library card holder.
- Visitors to the Library who are not library cardholders may obtain a courtesy visitor computer pass once per day.
- Visiting groups that require a specific service, such as use of a community or meeting room, a presentation or tour, must schedule their visit in advance.
- The Library is not responsible for children while they are on Library premises; please see “Child and Youth Safety at the Library.”
Some Library spaces, including meeting rooms and children’s areas may have additional restrictions.
Child and Youth Safety at the Library
The Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library is dedicated to providing a safe and welcoming environment that encourages children to visit the Library, use our collections and services, and attend programs. Please note the following policies:
- The Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library requires all visitors, including children and teens, to comply with all policies and rules. Library staff are available to assist and support children with their use of Library resources.
- Parents, guardians, and/or the responsible caregiver—not the Library—are responsible for children in their care. Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult guardian while within the library.
- Disruptive children, attended or unattended, may be asked to leave.
- Parents, guardians, and/or caregivers are responsible for noting scheduled Library closing times and should be aware that a Library facility sometimes may have to close unexpectedly due to emergencies or safety issues.
- The Library is not responsible if children leave the Library unattended. It is the responsibility of parents, guardians, and/or caregivers to let their children know what they should do if they must leave the Library.
- Library staff may call appropriate City agencies if a youth individual is left unattended when a Library facility closes, or otherwise appears to be unwilling or unable to care for themselves.
- Adults unaccompanied by children may be asked by Library staff to use the restrooms, facilities, services, and/or equipment in the adult section of the Library.
Attendance at Library Public Programs
As part of its mission to ensure open access to information and the exchange of ideas, the Flagstaff City-Coconino County Public Library hosts public programs across its locations.
The following policies apply to the Library’s public programs:
- All members of the public are welcome to attend the Library’s public programs, subject to any occupancy limits and, where applicable, registration or ticketing requirements.
- All Library users and program attendees must comply with the Library’s Policies and Rules and to rules applicable to a particular venue or program.
Failure to comply with these rules may result in expulsion from a Library program or facility, suspension of Library privileges, and/or arrest and prosecution to the full extent of the law.
Authorized Library staff and/or Security Guards and/or City of Flagstaff Police Officers/Medical Personnel may intervene to stop prohibited activities and behaviors. Failure to comply with these rules may result in: 1) withdrawal of a person's permission to remain on Library property and/or 2) issuance of a temporary or permanent ban from Library property, as provided in policies and procedures issued by the Library Director, Library Supervisor, or those acting in their stead.
A criminal law violation may also result in arrest and prosecution. Violations of law and/or these rules may also result in the restriction and/or termination of Library privileges, including the use of Library computers and other equipment. Authorized personnel may base a temporary or permanent ban on personal observation or upon the sort of civilian reports that would ordinarily be relied upon by police officers in the determination of probable cause.
Administrative Review of Temporary Ban or Permanent Trespass
An individual who has received a temporary ban or permanent trespass may request a reinstatement by completing an appeal form. After successfully appealing, their status will be decided through an administrative review by the Library Director or those acting in their stead. Appeals can be brought forth by a banned or trespassed individual every six months.
The Library reserves the right to amend these rules.