Exhibits and Displays Policy

Groups and individuals are welcome to exhibit literary, artistic or cultural items of their creation or collection. Library space is not available for displays of a political or religious nature.

The Downtown Library offers the following exhibit spaces:

  • A locked glass case with two shelves each enclosing a space 20 inches high, 58 inches long and 29 inches wide
  • A locked case enclosing a space 10 inches high, 54 inches long and 25 inches wide.

Potential exhibitors may reserve space with the Coordinator of Library Exhibits up to one year in advance of the desired exhibition date. Exhibits will be approved by library staff. Click here to download an exhibit request.

Exhibitor Responsibilities

  • To set up the exhibit on the first day of the month and remove it on the last date of the month.
  • To sign the exhibit form available at the library.
  • To display a sign clearly identifying the exhibitor.
  • To display prices and include business or personal cards with those items offered for sale. (The library will not be an intermediary between an exhibitor and a buyer. However, upon notification, library staff will mark an item sold. Any items sold during the exhibit must remain on display through the ending date of the exhibit.)
  • To pose for a publicity photography if requested.

The library adheres to the Library Bill of Rights and its interpretation adopted by the Council of the American Library Association, February 4, 1981, in regard to the display area being made available "on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliation of individuals or groups requesting their use."