To request a reasonable accommodation for any type of disability, please call 928-213-2331 (Downtown) or 928-213-2348 (EFCL). Three days prior notice is requested.

Book By Mail:The library sends large print books and audiobook CDs to homebound residents of Coconino County who are otherwise unable to access library materials. This is a free service. More information is available at our Books By Mail page.

Talking Books: The Arizona Talking Book Library provides books, magazines and other library resources in alternate formats for all Arizona residents whose visual or physical disabilities prevent the reading of conventional print materials. They are provided free of charge to eligible individuals through the Library of Congress and the Arizona State Braille and Talking Book Library in Phoenix (1-800-255-5578). Eligibility may be certified by your doctor, optometrist, nurse, therapist, or other competent authority. Because the books are recorded at a slower than normal speed, a special machine is required. Machines are loaned for as long as the materials are in use. Damaged machines are repaired as needed or replaced free of charge; ask at the Adult Information Desk for assistance, weekdays between the hours of 10 am and 5 pm. Applications for these services are available at the Information Desk.

Arizona State Library's Braille & Talking Books Division has a number of resources and services on their website for Arizona residents with visual or physical disabilities.

Large Type Books: Books can be checked out with a library card. There is also a juvenile large type collection in Youth Services. Over 9,000 titles

SIMON READING MACHINE:  A machine where you just place your text on the glass, press the start button and it reads.  Enables blind persons to read ordinary printed materials.

Books and music on CD: Items can be checked out with a library card.

CCTV: Print enlarger available for use in the library by persons who have low vision.

Shoppa: “Enables you to read: bottles, jars, boxes in your cupboards, signing documents or writing letters, Items on a shop shelf, Things that you can reach--high or low, Transport timetables, plant labels at the garden centre ..." --

MonoMouse: A video magnifier. Simply plug the Power Adaptor into an electrical outlet and connect the cable to the MonoMouse. Plug the RCA connector into the video jack on your television (usually on the front). Make sure that the MonoMouse is placed on some text. Switch your television on and select the channel marked AV, Video or Game, then press the large blue MonoMouse button.

Computer Station for Patrons with Special Needs: The computer station includes an adjustable height computer table for a new computer for patrons with special needs. The computer station includes a 24” monitor, a trackball, a large type keyboard, Zoom Text magnification software, JAWS reading software (a program that will read the computer screen to you) and other equipment and software to make this station more accessible to those with special needs.

Services to the deaf or hearing impaired

TDD: Telephone to receive or place calls for the deaf. Phone number 214-2417. No long distance is available, except for 800 numbers.

Closed-captioned DVDs: Available for checkout to the deaf or hearing impaired.

Voice amplifier: Available for use in the library. Donated by the Friends of the Library.

Services to the physically disabled

Study carrel for the handicapped: Desk with wheelchair access.

Walker: A walker with a seat and a basket is available for use in the library. Donated by the Friends of the Library.

Wheelchair: Available for use in the Library. Donated by the Friends of the Library.

The library is wheelchair accessible. For those in wheelchairs who may have trouble reaching shelves, any staff member will be happy to assist.