Both library locations have designated areas just for teens. The library values and welcomes teens and is committed to providing spaces and materials to serve this population in our community.
Main Library Teen Zone
East Flagstaff Community Library's Teen Room
Teen Room/Zone Rules
Main Library Teen Zone
The Teen Zone is designed by teens for teens and is restricted to youth ages 12-18. Teens have available to them magazines and computers as well as a comfortable space for reading, studying, and visiting. Space allows us to have teen magazines and a small selection of novels in the Teen Zone. The majority of Teen Fiction is located by author's last name in the Juvenile Fiction and Young Adult paperback sections of the library. A yellow YA sticker found on the spine label of juvenile fiction indicates that the main character or protagonist may be 13 years of age or older or the plot may include mature subject matter.

East Flagstaff Community Library's Teen Room
The Branch Library's Teen Room is a great place to hang out and have a good time with friends. Featuring nine computers (three reserved for homework only), comfortable couches and chairs, study/gaming tables and a giant wipe-off marker board. The room is 21' x 36' and a staff member is present during the after-school hours to answer questions, make computer reservations and help with homework.

Respect and Enjoy Your Space! Please pick up after yourself and follow the behavior rules below:
- Speak quietly
- Enjoy a good book
- Learn something new today
- Study/do homework
- Read
- Use the computers
Inappropriate Behavior or Language is Not Accepted
- No cussing
- No shouting or talking loudly
- No throwing things
- No horseplay, running, punching, etc.
- No disrespect to others, including staff
- No illegal substances
The library has the right to regulate behavior as it relates to the function of the library. Any behavior that disrupts or interferes with an appropriate or safe environment for the public or staff is subject to reprimand.
- Those displaying unacceptable behavior- will be warned once.
- Those displaying unacceptable behavior a second time- will be asked to leave the building for the day and a letter may be sent home to the parent/guardian.
- Those displaying repeated unacceptable behavior will not be allowed to return to the library for an extended and specified period of time.