September is Library Card Sign-Up Month!

This September is Library Card Sign-Up Month at the Flagstaff City-Coconino County libraries!
There is no better time to sign up for a library card! From culture passes, ebook and audiobooks, database access, book club kits, board games, a new Library of Things collection of non-traditional items (tools and telescopes anyone?) and good old books and movies, the library offers a suite of free services and materials to community members.
Misplaced that old card? Through this month, we'll be providing replacement library cards for free. Head on over to our front desks for a brand new card. Convinced? Share your card with us on social media with #FPLReadytoRead.
You can also view our other events here. Swing by our public services desk to pick up a BINGO sheet and punch card to win raffle prizes. Activities and library cards are available for all ages!